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Thank you for taking the first step in becoming a pledge for my Smart Plant Tray!

Campaign Sneak Peek:

Don't miss the super early bird tier!

I will be setting a limited quantity of trays at a %40 discount for the launch!


I also have other great reward tiers including stickers, accessories for the Smart Plant Tray, gardening tips, and you could even own one of my original prototypes!


How did I come up with the Smart Plant Tray? The full story will be revealed on Kickstarter!


Questions about the tray or Kickstarter? Email and I will be happy to answer your questions.


Thank you again for taking this journey with me, and I will see you on Kickstarter!


Mike Spencer

What is Kickstarter?

​Kickstarter is the world's largest funding platform for creative projects. It's purpose is to bring those projects to fruition. It allows creators to share their projects with the masses, and allows backers to pledge funds towards making the project come to life in exchange for a reward. Rewards are a bonus perk for being a part of the starting project. Examples of rewards are: getting the final product at a discount (early bird tier), accessories, memorabilia, etc. If you back a project, you are essentially pre-ordering an enticing product or project that can become a reality with a little help.


Unlike GoFund Me, a creator must reach their campaign goal to collect the funds. If the goal is not reached, your card will not be charged. The goal is the minimum amount of funds needed to bring the project to life. This includes: any tooling needed, manufacturing, production, limited order quantities, reward fulfillment, etc. Only after a creator's original goal has been reached will they receive the funds.


Kickstarter is a great way to become a part of bringing a product or idea that you love to life. With the creator keeping you updated throughout the campaign you can literally be a part of the journey, and even be the first to own a new and exciting product.

How to back a
Kickstarter Campaign:

Backing a Kickstarter campaign is simple! Head on over to before April 1st and signup for a free account to be ready for the launch. I will be sending out emails to keep you updated on my progress, and final reminders with a link to the campaign in the days before the launch.

For a full quick guide to backing our campaign visit:


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